Frequenty Asked Questions

Over my twenty years of professional experience, practising in various countries, I have noticed that the client’s approach to the architect, especially concerning residential projects, is considered similar almost everywhere.

The homeowner wonders what the real advantages of collaborating with an architect are and what the architect can add to the design of their home. Often friends, relatives, and various operators indulge in expressing themselves and giving advice of an “aesthetic” nature, reinforcing the idea that, after all, if you know what you want and have some beautiful images downloaded from the internet, you don’t need anyone else other than design your house. At most you will need someone to make it happen for you, the business.

Here begins a phase of collecting quotes from various companies. Quotes based on words, on ideas, and even worse, on images downloaded from Instagram, the great designer of the 21st century. The figure of the architect, understood as an operator in the name of useless frills, is often considered as an additional cost, an extra budget, for those who can afford it. The scarf is in the dress pocket, rather after the dress has already been bought.Companies that are often approached by determined but confused clients often do not recommend the figure of the architect, who is less technical and oriented towards non-functional “aestheticisms”.

In some cases (more often abroad than in Italy)  the wealthier client chooses to hire a project manager or acts as the project manager himself, who has a complementary function and not a substitute for the architect. The cost for an architect rarely falls within the client’s initial budget, therefore it is considered an extra, useless, superfluous cost. It goes without saying that with the same budget, the cost of the architect reduces the amount of the work.

But is this cost really added or does it represent an investment that can often provide benefits both to the quality of the project (understood as construction) and also in economic terms (in the immediate and long term)?

A long and necessary introduction.....

Let’s start by saying that the design concept is similar to “thought” rather than aestheticism.

Therefore the architect’s job is to ensure that the project arises from a thought that takes into account various options and solutions with the final intent of achieving the final objective within the schedule and costs throughout the construction of the project. Opera. He is not an image consultant but is a consultant specialized in design and construction techniques. Nowadays it is easy to find ideas and advice (on the web, in magazines, from friends, relatives) and the concepts are easily summarized with beautiful images. It is easy to find many images online that can make us dream and that can certainly give us a clear idea of what we want.

It’s partly true. But the images we see always represent what already exists and which can seldom be reproduced as is because the proportions of the spaces change, the impact of the light is different, the costs are not considered when you dream. However, there are many other solutions that the customer doesn’t know about because he hasn’t seen them yet and doesn’t know that they can be suitable and compatible with his budget. Therefore, often the customer does not know if what he sees is what he really wants or is just a compromise between his needs and what he knows.

A determining factor in choosing the design solutions to adopt is the concept of space and the economic and technical feasibility that lies behind every single image to which we become attached. The images don’t always make us understand the proportions of that space and therefore we don’t know if that idea will then be feasible in our space. An architect specializes in design and knows metric and architectural proportions. The images make us understand even less the technical details and precautions that must be taken to build everything safely and without wasting excessive capital. The combination of proportions, materials, technical details and organic nature of the interventions make a house, a project, architecturally pleasant. Taking inspiration from scattered images and ideas only risks having an uneven result.

Very often the costs spent for collaboration with an architect are transformed into general savings in the immediate and long term, in improving the liveability of the space and the quality of your life, choosing the most suitable materials, increasing the market value of the asset .This is what is called design but is often confused with pure aesthetics.

The choice is therefore yours: for your home would you rely on a collection of images, which will be interpreted by the builder based on his knowledge and experience who has the sole and respectable intent of obtaining maximum profit from your project? Or would you rely on an architect who has the sole professional aim of transforming your desires into functional and livable spaces, achieving what was agreed upon in the project phase, within the established timescales and budget, working in your exclusive interest?

Having made this small premise, the following questions try to answer the questions that the customer usually asks himself before undertaking a project and consulting an architect.

Well, in reality, it’s not like that.

The first “project” for man was to build his refuge, his own home. It all starts from there. Cities are born with the aim of bringing men together, regulating their functions and providing services. In all of this, history tells us that the “master workers” first and the architects later were fundamental. While in ancient times building your own house was a spontaneous and non-regularized act, with the passage of time the urban planning rules and regulations regulating living comfort have become more frequent.

The architect is a professional figure, trained in the field of planning, design and construction techniques and capable of verifying and checking that all regulations are observed during the construction phase. As in all categories there are various levels of preparation, dedication and approach.

The twenty questions to ask yourself...

We often ask ourselves why we should call an architect, especially for work involving our own home, where personal taste and a clear idea of the functions and spaces we want to obtain are clear in our mind. The architect is often understood as a professional who puts art and decoration before functionality and practicality. A professional figure more suitable for large works, magazine and magazine projects, rather than the “small” home project.

Well, in reality it’s not like that.

The first “project” for man was to build his own refuge, his own home. It all starts from there. Cities are born with the aim of bringing men together, regulating their functions and providing services. In all of this, history tells us that the “master workers” first and the architects later were fundamental.

While in ancient times building your own house was a spontaneous and non-regularized act, with the passage of time the urban planning rules and regulations regulating living comfort have become more frequent. The architect is the figure prepared to verify and check that all the regulations are observed.

In addition to being a trained technician, the architect is trained in design and has creativity among his characteristics. This must not be confused with the attitude to decoration, to excess forms, all things directly linked to the increase in costs. This great fear must be eliminated.
The architect uses his or her creativity to offer the client an alternative perspective or to confirm that the ideas provided are correct and feasible. As Denys Lesdum said: “The architect’s job consists in providing the client not with the solution requested, but with one that he didn’t even dream of wanting.”The architect, in fact, can show what we don’t know we want, but which he is able to elaborate thanks to his specific experience and knowledge.

Hiring an architect from the initial stages can represent a big saving for the client because it avoids running into unexpected events not contemplated due to the lack of experience and data: not all clients have already renovated or built other houses previously, while an architect with experience will certainly have done so. The added value in working with an architect lies, precisely, in the solution adopted which can give greater comfort to the designed space, and above all, can give our home, the structure, a distribution different from the standard one. He helps characterize the product for better positioning in the market when you decide to sell. In essence, the money spent on an architect allows us direct savings in controlling unexpected events and construction costs, and a profit over time, allowing us to sell a property more easily or, probably, at a higher than average price.

There is no doubt that good builders help to achieve an excellent result for our project. Excellent projects and, in some cases, exceptional projects are born from a good understanding between architect and client and from good collaboration between architect and construction company.
As we said before, the architect brings together technical and creative design skills. The former can be used to prepare the project with all the documents necessary for its implementation. It is always better to have good planning to avoid incurring excessive, unforeseen expenses, which risk going over budget with the extreme consequence of not being able to complete the project. Planning a project is done with graphics that can be prepared by competent and trained people.

Design skills, as mentioned before, give added value and allow you to see the project as a whole and as the sum of small parts and specific needs. We must always remember that the architect works in the interests of his client (both ethically and by regulatory definition), while the company, while operating in compliance with the regulations, operates in its own economic interest. The architect must be understood as a technical intermediary in communicating the project to the company. He interacts with it, checks the quality of the works, that they respect the design, quantifies the works done for the final payment, certifies the works.

Perfectly controlling the construction or renovation costs of a building is always very difficult, but there are figures trained for this, such as surveyors. But architects also have skills in job accounting and budgeting. in fact, for small projects, the cost estimate can be made directly by the architect.

Despite the difficulty, a good knowledge of construction processes and execution techniques can certainly contribute to reducing the possibility of incurring unconsidered costs. Unfortunately it must be said that it is not always positive to rely solely and exclusively on construction companies to estimate the works. Let’s remember that businesses work for a profit and not everyone operates honestly. There is the possibility of meeting speculators who have an interest in increasing construction costs and do not empathize with your specific needs, both in terms of construction quality and economic convenience, especially when it comes to your home. Often the cheapest company is chosen, but this choice very often hides pitfalls.

To make the concept clear we can give a trivial example. Let’s say you have a simple headache. We can go directly to the pharmacy to buy a medicine to block the symptoms of headaches or contact the doctor to understand the causes of headaches and act on them. Many think that a simple headache goes away by taking an aspirin and therefore going to the pharmacy is the simplest solution. But only the doctor can tell us (with the appropriate investigations) whether that headache is connected to something more serious and therefore whether that aspirin is the solution or not.
A good architect helps you understand how your requirement can be implemented, the consequences of implementation and how risks can be reduced. Furthermore, as mentioned before, it is able to provide a new perspective that will help you understand whether your need is temporary or permanent and, therefore, the convenience of the intervention.

Let’s start by saying that the title of architect in Italy is obtained after obtaining a five-year degree in Architecture and passing a professional qualification exam which allows you to be registered in the Register of Architects. Max Strano, owner of bureau69 architects, is registered with the Catania order of architects. Architects licensed to practice receive a stamp with which they can sign architectural projects and submit procedures for obtaining opinions and authorizations for any type of construction. There are figures who, although calling themselves “architects”, are in reality not registered with the orders and therefore are not authorized to practice the profession, with a considerable risk for the client. In fact, these people are often not informed about the laws in force, they cannot sign the projects and therefore there is a risk of carrying out the works in total violation of civil and criminal regulations. In other parts of the world, for example in England, the title of architect can only be used by professionals registered with the Association of British Architects (A.R.B.), but in reality a project can be presented by anyone. Anyone who is not registered with the ARB cannot practice under the name of architect.

Furthermore, there are accreditation institutes for professional architects. The most important in Italy is the CNA (National Council of Architects). In England and in all Anglo-Saxon countries there is the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architect) which certifies the professionalism of an architect (Chartered Architect) and of architectural firms (Chartered Practice). This is a further guarantee of quality. bureau69 architects has been a RIBA accredited practice for some years, while Max Strano is still RIBA accredited.

Then there is the market which today is mainly online. It is easy to obtain information and reviews on architects and architectural firms. On Google you can find a lot of information about architectural firms, you can find customer reviews, there are some portals (Houzz is an example) where you can find architectural firms, their work carried out and customer opinions. Naturally, social networks also allow you to get news, verify reliability and contact the architect directly.

Bureau69 Architects is present on the main online portals and social platforms:

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We provide a high quality service that offers good value for money; we can help you make the most of your space, we pay close attention to detail, we help you select the best materials and finishes for your project and we can create energy-efficient buildings that keep your running costs low. We do much more than simply produce a series of projects. Using our experience, skill and knowledge we can take your project out of the ordinary and help you create a design that meets all your needs and aspirations. Our professional service frees you from worries. We offer a full range of architectural services from initial design through completion of an on-site project. Undertaking a construction project can be a daunting experience, but we offer over 20 years of professional experience to guide you through this complex process. We pride ourselves on our customer-centric approach, our creative design talent, our attention to detail and our ability to provide cost-effective solutions for every project. Read what our customers think about us.

bureau69 architects is the name used by architect Massimiliano Strano to promote his activity in Italy and abroad. Massimiliano is a registered architect with the Order of Architects of Catania, is a Chartered Architect with the RIBA in the United Kingdom and is a Passive house Designer.

Just search on Google to get all the information you are looking for.

Our approach to design is holistic and sustainable. In the sense that we believe in responsible architecture, focused on the customer, on his needs and expectations and we try to obtain the maximum result while respecting the cost and time schedule.

Our studio has a traditional approach, we select a few projects to which we can dedicate the necessary time and the right resources. Our small company allows us to work on details and not exceed costs.

We believe in the added value of design understood as sublimation in the metric proportions of a function. Therefore functionality is the basis of our creative processes, but we add that component (made of materials and light) called architecture which makes spaces more comfortable.

For a broader list of our founding principles, visit our page.


In the budget forecast for your project, which is essential to understand whether your expectations are achievable in relation to the proposed program, some chapters must be included that are often not considered:

  1. VAT – all prices formulated in construction are VAT excluded. It means that VAT must be added to the estimate received, which is usually 10% for renovation works and 4% for new construction works.
  2. the cost of the professionals involved: architect, engineer, surveyor
    cost of utility connections, if they do not already exist
  3. the cost of the professionals involved: architect, engineer, surveyor
    cost of utility connections, if they do not already exist
  4. construction cost and urbanization charges in the case of new buildings
  5. Cost of payments to be made to administrations to obtain opinions and authorisations
  6. in the case of renovations we always recommend leaving 15% for unforeseen events

There are several ways to calculate an architect’s professional fee. Italian law allows calculation in three main ways, depending on the nature of the work, taking into account the difficulty, etc:

  • a percentage of the total cost of the work – in practice a percentage is applied to the construction costs that will be incurred.
    on a lump sum basis or at a fixed price – for the services requested, the architect establishes a fixed remuneration based on the time he believes he will have to use or on the basis of comparisons with similar work carried out in the past
    on vacancy (time), where the professional is paid on the basis of an hourly rate. This method is often used in cases where time has an impact on the performance itself
    at discretion: in all cases where other methods cannot be applied, the professional requests a fee calculated on the basis of his experience relating to carrying out similar tasks.

the most used methods for architectural design and construction management are percentage and lump sum methods.

At bureau69 architects, in most cases we apply a mixed calculation. We apply a lump sum calculation for the first part of the services to be carried out (preliminary project until obtaining the building permit). In the second part, relating to the executive project and works management, we apply the percentage method.

This is because we believe it is more fair that the remuneration for the preliminary and definitive design is based on a principle of non-interest and protection of the quality of the project, therefore the architect is paid for innovation, for creativity and is also rewarded in case where you can find savings solutions for the customer. Instead, once the final version of the project has been established, the entire executive phase is paid as a percentage of the amount of the work.
In any case, when calculating the professional fee we always base ourselves on the national law of reference on which we try to apply a discount based on the difficulty of the work.

Each project requires specific skills and no project is the same as another. For domestic projects we can say that in addition to the architect, who also acts as Lead consultant, at least four other professional figures are generally involved. These are the structural engineer for what is responsible for the structures, the Party wall Surveour for defining the Party Wall agreement in the case of works to be carried out on parts bordering other properties, the Quantity surveyor for defining the costs of the works, the Approved Inspector to ensure the project complies with the Building Regulations.

For more complex projects, professionals specialized in Planning, Heritage (in the case of protected assets or in protected areas), Landscape designer, Right of Light consultant, and Building Services Engineer may be needed. During the briefing phase if appropriate we will inform you if any other consultant is necessary and we will obtain all the relevant quotes for your consideration.

It is not permitted to offer free consultations, but we certainly offer an initial free consultation of approximately 30 minutes in which we can discuss the characteristics and salient points of your project.

In any case, we often do not require compensation for the preliminary phases of the project, including the first inspection. The request for compensation is formalized from the moment in which you will be presented with an economic offer with all the details of the services offered. If accepted and countersigned by you, then payment of the first deposit will be required.

We cannot operate as real estate agents but we can provide all the technical support relating to the verification of the property documents, urban planning regularity, state of legitimacy.

If you think you want to entrust us with your project or contact us for an initial consultation you can do it directly via WhatsApp, or on the contact page you can fill out a small form to get some more information on your project. You will be contacted as soon as possible to arrange an initial meeting for a free initial consultation.

you can also email

We have expertise in all architectural services, from feasibility and evaluation to completion. We can assist you through initial conceptual design, planning permission and listed building consent phase, building regulation approval, construction management and contract administration, through to completion. We try to carry out our services in a friendly, responsible and creative way, trying to go beyond initial expectations. We are passionate about our work and believe that our role as architects is to give our clients what they never dreamed of having and achieving, exceeding their expectations.

You can read about all the services we offer here

We are professionals who have been operating in the sector for over 20 years and have identified a work process that works both for projects in Italy and abroad.

For more information about our working method, we invite you to visit our dedicated page.

Each project has its own story and based on the interventions to be carried out, Sicilian legislation provides for the request for an opinion or the presentation of a communication.

The building permits are:

  • CILA
    Permission to build

To these must be added other opinions, among the main ones:

  • the filing of structural calculations with the Civil Engineers if new or consolidation structural works are carried out
    the request for the opinion of the Superintendency of Architectural and Cultural Heritage, in the event that the property is located in the historic center and/or in protected areas
    hydrogeological opinion, in the case of new construction

This depends a lot on the project and the requests. The design phase also depends on the communication between the architect and the client, on the reactivity of the latter in transmitting important decisions. Much also depends on the relationships you have with the various consultants and how they communicate and find solutions in common.

Times are always difficult to quantify, however in our economic offer we always identify reference times and try to respect them as much as possible.

Certainly yes but we hope that this does not happen during the execution phase, of course.

During the preliminary phase you can certainly change your mind and direction. Based on the conversations you can choose to change some things on the go. Once the preliminary project has been identified, this will be transformed into a definitive one and sent to the competent offices for issuing opinions.

From this moment on, any change would mean reformulating the project with all costs borne by the client.

Once the opinions and authorizations have been obtained, any substantial changes would require the project to be resubmitted.

However, small changes can also be made during construction and regularized with variations to the project.

We conclude with the first question we are asked, but which is the most complex and should be asked last.In fact, calculating the real costs of a project is never easy in the preliminary stages because all the factors that influence the cost are not exactly known: layout, materials, finishes, etc. Any cost estimate without a project will not be met 100% with a huge risk for you if you have limited resources.

Just to make a point and understand if your expectations are achievable with the budget you have in mind, you can consider the average costs relating to similar and standard jobs. This shows if your expectations are aligned with the budget you have in mind, but unfortunately to have a real idea of how much your project costs, you need to go at least to the early stages of planning.

We would like to say that any attempt to simplify the preventive calculation of costs is to be considered misleading and not credible. To be made, a quote requires a calculation of quantities and to have quantities it is essential to have at least a rough project.

With the calculation of quantities (metric calculation) it is possible to develop a general cost of the project.
As we progress through the design phases, this calculation will be increasingly refined and reliable and, consequently, will give us a cost that is increasingly closer to reality.

Advice: if you try to get the total cost by going to a company and “narrating” your project you will not have the cost of your project but the cost of what the company understood from the narration. Instead, with a metric calculation in hand, the company will have to provide the estimate relating to those works described in the metric calculation and in the graphic drawings. On the other hand, with these documents, you can request multiple quotes and compare them. The same cannot be done without the documents because each company will quantify what they deem appropriate to do, the materials they deem appropriate to use. Without real control and without a possibility of comparison.
